Fact about life.

Growing mind
It is obiously in our trend as youth with rather vulga mind, to never accept our destiny as it is unconnected to one’s fault or another.

You were born as a child of your parent, but as time goes on, age climb up to the stage of being responsibility not only to your immediate family, but to the society at large.

One to never forget first is Almighty Allah, the creater of you and all, the blesser that gives you life, and determines your destiny right before your birth.

You were sent to school, not only to learn what life is all about, but to understand how to be fair in your judgement.

I was born in Runka village, grown and obtained my primary knowledge and experiance there. It was ofcourse a mix of bitter experiance, might be because we were not opportuned to have someone to quide us throught.

Those days there were things to blame others, but instead we kept struggling till the end.

Now here you are, you waik-up and see a nearby Secondry School in the name of Community, which in not small amount lessen your hardship in accessing post primary education, those who started it were same people who thought seriously of your future, when your mind was not yet portrait.

It was by the sweat of those voluntary teachers you came to have realised yourself-esteem, gotten your Certificate, but you have choosen never to give it a dam!. And unfortunately very few among you had the good will of going there and serve voluntarily.

Let me challenge you, if you are right in your own view. There was a historic effort made by some of your senoir brothers, where some of you were choosen based on your individual performances, gotten admission for you to best science schools, given special quidance throughout. Most of you have gotten best result, enrolled in to best universities and finally gotten very good result.

Even those who were not opportuned to be in the University still gotten well with other courses in different colleges. Do you think your fellow juniors wouldn’t expect at least similar reciprocity?

I think you shouldn’t expect everything to be just done for you, not even by your parents.

No illiterate has head and mind to squeak on issues of employment. You were given a light of education first, before you think you were offended for not been given employment, which we surely tried every best, and there we shall keep trying until we reach where destiny keeps it.

If you choose to be very unfair to those who offered that little they could, simply because you deliberately don’t want aknowledge, God will certainly pay them and let you feed on your toe.

May Allah help us. May we never be driven astray by evil minded people. May our good youth seen and appreciate good in themselves and others.

Zaharaddeen Mohammed Runka

We are the leaders of tomorrow!

Ministerial List: Our #NotTooYoungToRun Is Running.

By Hammed J. Sulaiman

Immediately. Immediately the glittery 43-man list hi Nigerians that have been eagerly waiting for about 55 days to see who are those strangers that would make up the list to sail the canoe of Buhari administration for four years, Nigerians with inclusion of youth, like custom, greeted the news of ministerial list that finally made it to the National Assembly on July 23, 2019 for confirmation with smoke of criticisms that would perhaps wave with time.

Part of criticisms- Social media was berated mostly by Nigerian youths for non-inclusion of a single youth in the List. Well, we should all blame President Muhammadu Buhari for not including youth in the ministerial list, for appointing strangers he is familiar with, for releasing a list termed as compensation list, for selecting, appointing and recycling some old cargoes. He should be blame because our #NotTooYoungToRun is running.

In fact, President Muhammadu Buhari should be held accountable for this; for allowing those aged people and elite class to vacate not the scene for youths/younger generation to come in; for not allowing us to be able hold those aged people accountable by fully participating in politics; for not paving way for most of our problems to be buried somewhere amongst us youths by creating the transformation we needed for a change; and for allowing those aged people not to pave way for ordinary patriotic youths who are willing to contribute immensely to Nation building.

Indeed, President Muhammadu Buhari is responsible for the fact that for donkey’s years, political arenas in Nigeria have been occupied by aged people to the detriment of young people who are mostly restricted to the grassroots and platforms offered by the media. He is also responsible for this reality; that youths are often used as election consultants, political thugs (for those of us who are blessed with body-fit-for-farm) and social media battalions.

Yes! The President should be blamed and be criticized! Because our #NotTooYoungToRun is running. Or should we blame ourselves? After launching a campaign that history has it all and shows how lengthy youths have participated in different areas of politics, citing references of M.T. Mbu who became a Minister at the age of 25 and Nigeria’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom at the age of 26. Maitama Sule who became Oil Minister at the age of 29. Sheu Shagari who became a Federal Legislator at the age of 30 and a Minister at the age of 35. Richard Akinjide who became a Minister of Education at the age of 32. Audu Ogbeh who was a Minister at the age of 35 and likes. Tell me, how to blame ourselves after this fact analysis?

Or should we even blame ourselves after campaigning that the crucial effects of youths in political participation cannot be over-emphasized? That it is an undeniable fact that youths are more useful and instrumental to national development and democratic advancement in Nigeria? Then how can we blame and criticise ourselves rather than those old cargoes?

Or should we blame our leader(s) of #NotTooYoungToRun? Especially, Senator of Sex Toys saga- Senator Elisha Abbo, the Senator representing Adamawa North Senatorial Zone, who at 41, during our #NotTooYoungToRun, became the youngest Senator in Nigeria: thereby making us happy as he was sworn in, that we are coming; that he just not represent his zone at the Senate; that he represent us as youths.

No, he as one of our leaders of #NotTooYoungToRun can’t be criticized at the instance ministerial list, because he is duly representing us- even for decades to come, perhaps, our #NotTooYoungToRun might be running, and we will always be at the corridor of political power.

Or are we not duly represented, for Abbo’s story being descended to gutter, for the story first broke by Cable News, and the released of a video that went viral. Senator Abbo has duly represented us by going out to buy sex toys with inamoratas termed as side-chicks, he has duly represented us by engaging in clash of words in public with a sale’s girl, he has duly represented us by reportedly slapping nursing woman, he has duly represented us by making policeman accompanied by him to sex toys shop to arrest that nursing woman. In fact, he has duly represented us by admitting and apologizing to the victims and their family and Nigerians for his “five minutes” of rage induced action.

For sure, not only Senator Abbo is a case study at the instance of ministerial list, but us all- youths, with our engagement and involvement in spheres of political, economic, and religious saga and indeed, these have not only started ruining our #NotTooYoungToRun, but have made it run and keep making it running. Bye.

May Governor Bello Matawalle Succeeded.


The Zamfara State Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Afreximbank on an agreement for 1 Billion US dollar investment input in mining, agriculture and industrial development. The event which took place yesterday at Transcorp Hilton Hotel witnessed the attendance of the President of Afreximbank Professor Benedict Oramoh.

Mr. Benedict Oramoh expressed appreciation over the dedication of the new government and its “clear vision” in developing Zamfara State. He applauded Governor Bello Matawalle for recording successes in the fight against banditry in the State. He further disclosed that an MoU has been ratified to foster economic development using the state’s potentials and basic industrial resources for a robust economic growth and development in agriculture and mining.

Following the partnership agreement, Afreximbank has offered Zamfara the sum of One Billion US dollar as investment input to facilitate trade and industry through revival of cotton production, animal husbandry, beef processing company and exploring opportunities in minerals and water resources.

Responding, Governor Matawalle thanked Mr. Benedict for the support adding that the Zamfara is now safe and welcomes investors to partner with the government in restoring the state’s lost economic activities. He assured Mr. Benedict and all investors of their safety in Zamfara State.

Ibrahim Bello Zauma

A Recap on 48 Laws of power.

48 laws of power summary of PREFACE

As we continue..

Will tell you power is a game most essentially the ability to see circumstances rather than good or evil..the further you see ,the more steps or advances are made and plan , the more powerful you become….
In power “”those who show or play innocence are the least innocence of all”‘
The better you are dealing with power ,, the better friends , lovers ,wife husband and person you become

Learning the game of power requires a certain way of looking at the world ,, a shift of perspective,. It takes effort and years of practical .. it is the ability to master your emotions … Anger is distinctive…

The value of things sometimes lies not in what one attains … But in what one pay for it. You most be able to look in both directions at once .. the better you handle danger from what ever angles

Never waste valuable time on the affair of others … That is too high a price to pay .. it is important you begin. Your education now!!

Any man who tries to be good all the times is bound to come to ruin among the number who are not good .. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how to be good , and use that knowledge. Or refrain from using it as necessary as required……. introduction..



President Muhammadu Buhari condemns the recent violence in Kaduna State, which led to the death of 20 members of the Adara community. These unfortunate deaths are the latest incident between the Adara and Fulani peoples in the state, who have a long history of mistrust between themselves.

The President has also condemned the resurgence of cultist killings in Rivers State and ordered for increased community and law enforcement action against its escalation.

President Buhari appeals for peace and decries the on-going culture of ‘an eye for an eye’ that has fuelled a number of attacks and reprisal attacks, with the two communities at different times, suffering casualties in Kajuru and Kachia local governments in Kaduna States.

The President also appeals to indigenes of Kaduna and other Nigerians to refrain from comments in the traditional and social media, especially by people who have little knowledge of the history of the longstanding conflict. Such comments, he says can fuel further conflict in the area and between the two groups.

President Buhari makes a special appeal to traditional and religious leaders to be cautious with their comments on the conflict, insisting that whatever words they share publicly should not be inflammatory but be inspired by an interest in peace.

President Buhari condoles with those who lost loved ones in the attacks: “The entire nation grieves with you. The Nigerian army and police are already in the area to ensure that peace and security are restored.”

In response to reports of the resurgence of cultism leading to loss of lives in Rivers State, President Buhari calls on law enforcement agencies to intensify their efforts to end the menace before it further escalates.

The President urges quick and effective intervention by community and civic leaders in support of law enforcement efforts, in all such areas bedeviled by cultist attacks and inter-communal violence.

Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the president
(Media and Publicity)
April 9, 2019